Compliments and complaints procedure sets high standards across the full range of services offered. Whilst the aim is to achieve these high standards all the time, there is a procedure for dealing with compliments and complaints that ensures they are given proper care and attention.

Two links will be sent after the appointment to review quality of the service you have received- first is an anonymous survey monkey link which is shared with the CQC, the second is a link to google reviews which are public with a continuing aim of 5 stars!

Feedback on the service offered and received is welcomed as this really supports other people interested in accessing the service and improves overall standards of care. Positive feedback is always welcomed, but equally any complaints/ comments for improvement can in the first instance be emailed to If you require further support you can contact the Association of Tongue Tie Practitioners at or the CQC at

Dream-Feeds is registered with the CQC and as such, any complaints will be very seriously. Making a complaint does not mean that there will be any impact on the care that you receive, or would it compromise consent or confidentiality, unless there are professional or statutory obligations that make this necessary, such as safeguarding and where details of any complaints are to be shared with the insurance provider as per insurance policy.

What happens next?

It is only through patient feedback, satisfaction surveys and complaints that people can learn what is going well and how to improve. 

A record of your complaint will be held, and you will receive acknowledgement in writing within 1 week to say that your complaint has been received, and a full written response within 1 month of making the complaint. Necessary actions will be identified, alongside a timescale of any outcomes.

All feedback is encouraged and when received will be reviewed by Dream-Feeds on a individual case basis and this forms part of a feedback and complaints at minimum annual peer review, which takes place with another qualified practitioner within the same field of care to assess whether any actions need to be taken.

What if I am not happy with the outcome?

If after receiving feedback, you are not happy with the outcome or actions there are other routes you can take for further guidance, information, or support.

You can contact the Association of Tongue Tie Practitioners (ATP):

Should your complaint be in relation to the handling and/or processing of information, you can contact the Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) 0303 1231113 

The Regulatory body, Care Quality Commission (CQC) are keen to receive feedback on the services they regulate and can be accessed to provide feedback here: (online form) or email Feedback directly to the CQC can be made directly to

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